Prepare to run QuaSSE (Quantitative State Speciation and Extinction) on a phylogenetic tree and character distribution. This function creates a likelihood function that can be used in maximum likelihood or Bayesian inference.
make.quasse(tree, states,, lambda, mu, control,
starting.point.quasse(tree, states,
An ultrametric bifurcating phylogenetic tree, in
“phylo” format.
A vector of character states, each of which must be a
numeric real values. Missing values (NA
) are not yet handled.
This vector must have names that correspond to the tip labels in the
phylogenetic tree (tree$tip.label
A scalar or vector corresponding to the standard error around the mean in states (the initial probability distribution is assumed to be normal).
A function to use as the speciation function. The first
argument of this must be x
(see Details).
A function to use as the extinction function. The first
argument of this must be x
(see Details.)
A list of parameters for tuning the performance of the integrator. A guess at reasonble values will be made here. See Details for possible entries.
Scalar with the estimated proportion of extant
species that are included in the phylogeny. A value of 0.75
means that three quarters of extant species are included in the
phylogeny. By default all species are assumed to be known.
The control
list may contain the following elements:
: one of fftC
or fftR
to switch
between C
(fast) and R (slow) backends for the integration.
Both use non-adaptive fft-based convolutions. Eventually, an
adaptive methods-of-lines approach will be available.
: Maximum time step to use for the integration.
By default, this will be set to 1/1000 of the tree depth. Smaller
values will slow down calculations, but improve accuracy.
: The number of bins into which the character space
is divided (default=1024). Larger values will be slower and more
accurate. For the fftC
integration method, this should be an
integer power of 2 (512, 2048, etc).
: Scaling factor that multiplies nx
for a "high
resolution" section at the tips of the tree (default=4, giving a
high resolution character space divided into 4096 bins). This helps
improve accuracy while possibly tight initial probability
distributions flatten out as time progresses towards the root.
Larger values will be slower and more accurate. For the fftC
integration method, this should be a power of 2 (2, 4, 8, so that
is a power of 2).
: where in the tree to switch to the low-resolution
integration (zero corresponds to the present, larger numbers moving
towards the root). By default, this happens at 10% of the tree
depth. Smaller values will be faster, but less accurate.
: Mid point to center the character space. By
default this is at the mid point of the extremes of the character
: Get a modest speed-up by simultaneously
integrating all tips? By default, this is FALSE
, but
speedups of up to 25% are possible with this set to TRUE
: Number of standard deviations of the normal
distribution induced by Brownian motion to use when doing the
convolutions (default=5). Probably best to leave this one alone.
In an attempt at being computationally efficient, a substantial amount
of information is cached in memory so that it does not have to be
created each time. However, this can interact poorly with the
package. In particular, likelihood functions should
not be made within a call to mclapply
, or they will not share
memory with the main R thread, and will not work (this will cause an
error, but should no longer crash R).
The method has less general testing than BiSSE, and is a little more
fragile. In particular, because of the way that I chose to implement
the integrator, there is a very real chance of likelihood calculation
failure when your data are a poor fit to the model; this can be
annoyingly difficult to diagnose (you will just get a -Inf
likelihood, but the problem is often just caused by two sister species
on short branches with quite different states). There are also a
large number of options for fine tuning the integration, but these
aren't really discussed in any great detail anywhere.
## Due to a change in sample() behaviour in newer R it is necessary to
## use an older algorithm to replicate the previous examples
if (getRversion() >= "3.6.0") {
RNGkind(sample.kind = "Rounding")
#> Warning: non-uniform 'Rounding' sampler used
## Example showing simple integration with two different backends,
## plus the splits.
lambda <- function(x) sigmoid.x(x, 0.1, 0.2, 0, 2.5)
mu <- function(x) constant.x(x, 0.03)
char <- make.brownian.with.drift(0, 0.025)
phy <- tree.quasse(c(lambda, mu, char), max.taxa=15, x0=0,
single.lineage=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
#> +: 3 [1.012]
#> +: 4 [1.584]
#> +: 5 [3.616]
#> +: 6 [6.170]
#> -: 5 [6.201]
#> +: 6 [6.927]
#> +: 7 [7.912]
#> +: 8 [9.209]
#> +: 9 [9.463]
#> +: 10 [9.823]
#> -: 9 [10.944]
#> +: 10 [11.295]
#> +: 11 [11.620]
#> +: 12 [11.715]
#> +: 13 [12.604]
#> +: 14 [12.883]
#> +: 15 [13.473]
#> +: 16 [13.773]
nodes <- c("nd13", "nd9", "nd5")
split.t <- Inf
pars <- c(.1, .2, 0, 2.5, .03, 0, .01)
pars4 <- unlist(rep(list(pars), 4))
sd <- 1/200
control.C.1 <- list(dt.max=1/200)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
control.R.1 <- list(dt.max=1/200, method="fftR")
lik.C.1 <- make.quasse(phy, phy$tip.state, sd, sigmoid.x, constant.x, control.C.1)
(ll.C.1 <- lik.C.1(pars)) # -62.06409
## slow...
lik.R.1 <- make.quasse(phy, phy$tip.state, sd, sigmoid.x, constant.x, control.R.1)
(ll.R.1 <- lik.R.1(pars)) # -62.06409
lik.s.C.1 <- make.quasse.split(phy, phy$tip.state, sd, sigmoid.x, constant.x,
nodes, split.t, control.C.1)
(ll.s.C.1 <- lik.s.C.1(pars4)) # -62.06409
} # }