Simple plotting assistance for plotting output from MCMC runs
profiles.plot(y, col.line, col.fill, xlim=NULL, ymax=NULL,,
opacity=.5, xlab="Parameter estimate",
ylab="Probability density", legend.pos=NULL,,, lwd=1,, ...)
Data frame, columns of which will be plotted as separate profiles.
Vector of colours for the lines.
Vector of colours for the fill of the 95% most
probable region of the distribution. If ommited, this will be a
semi-transparent version of col.line
X-axis limits - calculated automatically if omitted.
Y-axis upper limit - calculated automatically if omitted.
Number of breaks along the range of the data.
Opacity of the filled region (0 is transparent, 1 is fully opaque).
Axis labels for the plot.
String to pass to legend
to position
the legend (for automatic legend building based on the names of
Should a bar be included that shows the CI ranges below the plot (in addition to the shading)?
Colour to draw behind the profiles (set to "white" for nicer transparency on non-white backgrounds)
Width of lines around the profiles
Draw lines around profiles on top of all profiles?
Additional arguments passed through to plot
## For usage, see the example in ?