Base64 encoding. By default uses the RFC 4648 dialect (file/url encoding) where characters 62 and 63 are "-" and "_". Pass in "+" and "/" to get the RFC 1421 variant (as in other R packages that do base64 encoding).
encode64(x, char62 = "-", char63 = "_", pad = TRUE) decode64(x, char62 = "-", char63 = "_", error = TRUE)
x | A string or vector of strings to encode/decode |
char62 | Character to use for the 62nd index |
char63 | Character to use for the 63rd index |
pad | Logical, indicating if strings should be padded with
error | Throw an error if the decoding fails. If
x <- encode64("hello") x#> [1] "aGVsbG8="decode64(x)#> [1] "hello"# Encoding things into filename-safe strings is the reason for # this function: encode64("unlikely/to be @ valid filename")#> [1] "dW5saWtlbHkvdG8gYmUgQCB2YWxpZCBmaWxlbmFtZQ=="