Prepare to run a constant rate birth-death model on a
phylogenetic tree. This fits the Nee et al. 1994 equation,
duplicating the birthdeath
function in ape. Differences with
that function include (1) the function is not constrained to positive
diversification rates (mu can exceed lambda), (2) [eventual] support
for both random taxon sampling and unresolved terminal clades (but see
), and (3) run both MCMC and MLE fits to birth death
An ultrametric bifurcating phylogenetic tree, in
“phylo” format.
Vector of branching times, as returned by
. You don't need to use this unless you know
that you need to use this. Don't use it at the same time as
Probability of an extant species being included in the phylogeny (sampling fraction). By default, all extant species are assumed to be included.
Unresolved clade information. This is a named
vector, with the number of species as the value and names
corresponding to tip labels. Tips that represent a single species
should not be included in this vector. For example
sp1=10, sp2=2
, would mean that sp1
represents 10
species, while sp2
represents two. These labels must exist
in tree$tip.label
and all other tips are assumed to
represent one species.
Should the starting point function return a Yule model (zero extinction rate)?
List of control parameters. The element method
can be either nee
or ode
to compute the likelihood
using the equation from Nee et al. (1994) or in a BiSSE-style ODE
approach respectively. nee
should be faster, and ode
is provided for completeness (and forms the basis of other methods).
When ode
is selected, other elements of control
the behaviour of the ODE solver: see details in
returns a function of class bd
This function has argument list (and default values)
f(pars, prior=NULL, condition.surv=TRUE)
The arguments are interpreted as
A vector of two parameters, in the order
, mu
: a valid prior. See make.prior
more information.
(logical): should the likelihood
calculation condition on survival of two lineages and the speciation
event subtending them? This is done by default, following Nee et
al. 1994.
The function "ode" method is included for completeness, but should not be taken too seriously. It uses an alternative ODE-based approach, more similar to most diversitree models, to compute the likelihood. It exists so that other models that extend the birth-death models may be tested.
for making submodels, find.mle
for ML parameter estimation, mcmc
for MCMC integration,
and make.bisse
for state-dependent birth-death models.
Nee S., May R.M., and Harvey P.H. 1994. The reconstructed evolutionary process. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci. 344:305-311.
## Simulate a tree under a constant rates birth-death model and look at
## the maximum likelihood speciation/extinction parameters:
phy <- trees(c(.1, .03), "bd", max.taxa=25)[[1]]
lik <-
## By default, optimisation gives a lambda close to 0.1 and extremely
## small mu:
fit <- find.mle(lik, c(.1, .03))
#> lambda mu
#> 1.021010e-01 6.107215e-07
## The above optimisation uses the algorithm \link{nlm} for
## compatibility with ape's \link{birthdeath}. This can be slightly
## improved by using \link{optim} for the optimisation, which allows
## bounds to be specified:
fit.o <- find.mle(lik, c(.1, .03), method="optim", lower=0)
#> lambda mu
#> 0.09613913 0.00000000
logLik(fit.o) - logLik(fit) # slight improvement
#> 'log Lik.' 0.04247715 (df=2)
## Special case methods are worked out for the Yule model, for which
## analytic solutions are available. Compare a direct fit of the Yule
## model with one where mu is constrained to be zero:
lik.yule <- make.yule(phy)
lik.mu0 <- constrain(lik, mu ~ 0)
## The same to a reasonable tolerance:
fit.yule <- find.mle(lik.yule, .1)
fit.mu0 <- find.mle(lik.mu0, .1)
all.equal(fit.yule[1:2], fit.mu0[1:2], tolerance=1e-6)
#> [1] TRUE
## There is no significant improvement in the fit by including the mu
## parameter (unsurprising as the ML value was zero)
anova(fit.o, yule=fit.yule)
#> Df lnLik AIC ChiSq Pr(>|Chi|)
#> full 2 -22.08 48.161
#> yule 1 -22.08 46.161 3.0127e-12 1
## Optimisation can be done without conditioning on survival:
fit.nosurv <- find.mle(lik, c(.1, .03), method="optim", lower=0,
coef(fit.nosurv) # higher lambda than before
#> lambda mu
#> 0.1003191 0.0000000
## Look at the marginal likelihoods, computed through MCMC (see
## \link{mcmc} for details, and increase nsteps for smoother
## plots [takes longer]).
samples <- mcmc(lik, fit$par, nsteps=500,
lower=c(-Inf, -Inf), upper=c(Inf, Inf), w=c(.1, .1),
fail.value=-Inf, print.every=100)
#> 100: {0.2099, 0.1296} -> -25.08160
#> 200: {0.1453, 0.0975} -> -23.46928
#> 300: {0.1183, 0.0465} -> -22.59005
#> 400: {0.1451, 0.0135} -> -23.85709
#> 500: {0.1416, 0.0799} -> -23.13356
samples$r <- with(samples, lambda - mu)
## Plot the profiles (see \link{profiles.plot}).
## The vertical lines are the simulated parameters, which match fairly
## well with the estimated ones.
col <- c("red", "blue", "green3")
profiles.plot(samples[c("lambda", "mu", "r")], col.line=col, las=1,
abline(v=0, lty=2)
abline(v=c(.1, .03, .07), col=col)
## Sample the phylogeny to include 20 of the species, and run the
## likelihood search assuming random sampling:
phy2 <- drop.tip(phy, sample(25, 5))
lik2 <-, sampling.f=20/25)
fit2 <- find.mle(lik2, c(.1, .03))
## The ODE based version gives comparable results. However, it is
## about 55x slower.
lik.ode <-, control=list(method="ode"))
all.equal(lik.ode(coef(fit)), lik(coef(fit)), tolerance=2e-7)
#> [1] TRUE